November 04, 2012

In The Air

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 33; the thirty-third edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The theme for the month is 'Celebrations'

Life is a cycle of emotions. And often, many deeply felt emotions take quite a time to get recycled. That first missed heartbeat when someone tells you that they like you... that first kiss... that first feeling of being lost in love. The first time these emotions happen, you will inexplicably find yourself floating on cloud nine. Your life suddenly becomes more colorful... Technicolor so to say and your routine becomes more meaningful. You will start enjoying every minute of your life. You will start to appreciate yourself more. When love is in the air, you are definitely a better person.

 But, the real life starts to happen, when the cloud nine that you presumably thought to be floating on forever bursts into tiny rain drops, making you fall... a long way back to ground-zero. Tears run wild, heart aches in resentment, colors around you slowly mixes together to just plain, dull grey. You will start to ask questions? “Was I really in love?”... “Why is this happening to me?”... 

And you know then, that this beautifully poisonous emotion called love can’t be with you forever. Everything has to end one day. Love turns into anger and resentment. You would start wishing you had never fallen in this love-pit. But then again, if you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have known and experienced those beautiful emotions that exists in this pit. So it’s a cycle indeed. You fall in love, feel great for some time and then get hurt and fall out of it. Then you try... try your best to stay out of love’s way. You will start thinking, “I’m not meant for love” or “I would never find love again”. And it’s true, when you are looking for that four-lettered poisonous dart called love, you will never find it.

You can’t look for love and neither will you find it. Love happens when you least expect it. It’s a clean shot, right through your heart. Love finds you when you are finally learning to lead a content, lonely life. When finally you accept to the idea of leading a long-single life with no care or other head-aches; that’s when love finds you. Irony, isn’t it? Love doesn’t come to you when you need it, it actually decides to awaken your heart when you least need it.

Well, no heart can live without love for long. Try as you might, you just can’t. That craving for care, love and attention will always be there no matter how much you might have thought to have tamed your heart.

So when love knocks on your door again and starts to possess you like never before, who are you to stop it? Just let it be. Love is an invisible celebration. Only you would know how much it is making you to change in your life. 

Love makes you want to live again... properly this time.
Love makes you want to sing again... and sing you will. 
Love makes you want to learn to pay attention to detail... you will start counting every little heartbeat in the name of love. 
Love makes you want to cherish that special someone... never before had anybody had that much of an impact on your life.

Love is indeed an invisible celebration. When cupid strikes an arrow through your heart, you are right then, a transformed person. It spreads warmth through your insides, making you a better person on the outside. Your good nature will be amplified and all your pessimistic thoughts will be forced to be subjugated. We celebrate each and every occassion in the year with dance, music, lights and sweets. But when the celebration of love starts to happen, all you need is love itself and the person you can share it with.

Love is an invisible celebration but it is the celebration of new found hope and happiness. So celebrate it... cherish it... because, love is in the air!!


The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Introduced By: The Fool, Participation Count: 02
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