July 31, 2013

The Pride of Mysore Zoo.

With the 2013 Dasara Mahotsava just around the corner, Mysore City is very proud to celebrate news on the arrival of 4 baby tiger cubs. To commemorate the World Tiger Day, the four little cubs –two males and two females –were for the first time allowed out for public viewing. The two month old cubs could be seen mischievously exploring their captive surroundings with a curious expression on their innocent face.

Many people had come to the zoo on the World Tiger Day, just to get a glimpse of these cute babies. Mr. B.P.Ravi, the executive director of Mysore Zoological Garden was also present among the bystanders. When enquired about the well being of the cubs and their mother Manya, an eight year old majestic White Tigress, Mr. Ravi was pleased to say that all of them are at the prime of their health and the cubs are adapting very well to the zoo environment. He even stated that when Manya and her cubs are inside their den, the footage of the cubs and their mother caught on CCTV camera present inside the den will be displayed outside on a television for public viewing during Dasara time. This will also be uploaded on their Website.

I was very happy to hear such positive news from Mr. Ravi, who is doing a very fine job as the director by uplifting the quality and maintenance of the zoo and its captive members. His promotion on the scientific implementation of gene manipulation and captive breeding in order to produce stronger and healthier cubs has become a success.

When compared to the zoo that I visited during my childhood days to the zoo which I visited today, there has been a marginal change in its surroundings. There is a neat order and discipline with which the zoo staffs carry out the day to day activities inside the zoo. The staffs are more prominent towards preventing people from teasing the animals and the ban on plastic use sure has made our Mysore zoo ever green!


  1. Hey! I want to see them in real now. :)
    Thanks for these shots. I read about them in papers.

  2. it's so comforting so the tiger in safe hands..the pride of all indians safe..our nation was once home to all 5 big cats->lion,tiger,cheetah,leopard,jaguar...unfortunately the cheetah is no more found in the wild in india now..heartening to see some lessons learnt

  3. Last time I visited the Zoo, Tigers were caged inside a small dark rooms, which pretty much looked like a jail! Thank god! it seems like they have made ventilations out there. And nice post...

  4. You should update this blog providing some more updated photographs.


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