June 03, 2012

Exam Diaries 2

It’s raining marks... hallelujah, it’s raining marks!!!

I never thought I would see this day. I never even considered there would be such a possibility as this.
Menu for the day: -

Subject: Web 2.0 and RIA
Level of toughness: Pretty tough but not “scary and hopeless” kind-of tough like the last egg-jaam paper!
Define Web 2.0: It basically simplifies user interaction by providing rich user interface. I’m just stating the bottom line here. Let me not dwell on the finer details of the definition as it’s swiftly depleting from my memory. But web 2.0 as the definition says, simplified my life by lessening most of my worries.
The Reason:  As you can see in the picture, there seems to be some discount marks for today’s egg-jaam paper.
YES!!! A Whole 7 Marks Discount. Finally, at least in my final semester, I got graced by a question paper that displayed an incomplete question , leading to the provision of grace marks for all the computer science students like me. (Only an engineer student can know the value of free grace marks!)

Whoever set the question paper, my gratitude goes to them for befalling to this blind-spot.


P.S: Me, my friends and the rest of the students walked out of the exam hall with an air of satisfaction and glee.

P.P.S: Has something similar to this ever happened to you? Your are welcome to share your thoughts. :)


  1. hmmmm i beliv it did do sum gud to u :)

    1. yes, it was like an added bonus to a not so tough paper. :)

  2. Lol that is so cool :D ! This happened in my Class XII Maths board exam, there was a wrongly set 5 mark question, which we were all given marks for!

    1. Haha that's cool :D , feels like hitting a jackpot, doesn't it? :)

  3. Hi Neha

    Have fun with that. This happened during our X and XII board exams in TamilNadu. The teachers would advise us to attempt the questions where we were sure that the question is faulty or out of syllabus. The presence of the question no in the paper would assure us of the marks.

    1. Oh, it happened in both X and XII?? Lucky you :)

  4. LOL! :D Being an Engg. student myself, I know the feel :D God bless the paper setter :P
    Namita <3

    1. Haha, yeah right?... god bless them through and through!! :P

  5. Dear Neha...

    Irrepressible. That’s the first word that comes into my mind when I think of getting grace marks. Utterly… impossibly… irrepressible!!

    Amazing, how you draw out your creativity through your simple blogs :)))))))

    1. Haha, yeah I guess that's why I ended up blogging about it in the first place :D.And thank you so much for your lovely comment ma'am, made my day!! ^_^

  6. It happened with my common entrance test this year, in all the subjects (physics , maths and chemistry) had a minimum of two grace marks question but the poor thing is , all the students are getting that grace marks and it makes no difference in ranking ;(

  7. I can totally totally relate to that. :) Wonderfully written. I am sure 7 marks would have definitely put a smile on everyone. I can also remember times when either the question was vague or there were multiple right answers, everyone would be awarded full points. It used to be a great feeling especially if the exam was the last one. ;)


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